Tuesday, February 4, 2014

{snow days}

Snow-covered backyard... admittedly, it is prettier when covered in white.
So. We got more snow yesterday. 

I think we got about 8 inches. 

This winter has been ridiculous. {It makes me want to move back to Florida.}

I am not the biggest snow-lover. One of my friends from work described how I feel very accurately, when she described snow as "breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly annoying". 

I have to admit that it is absolutely beautiful. Everything looks fresh, new, and full of wonder when covered with snow. {Well, at least while it's fresh snow}. 

Then comes the annoying side of things... it's wet. {and so becomes everything you wear when you go outside to play in it, or are otherwise dealing with it}. It is deceptively heavy {and it must be shoveled in order for normal life to continue}. It's cold... very cold. Also, with snow, comes ice, and salt... and that brine stuff that they treat the roads with. The salt and brine will coat everything you own- car, shoes, pants, wood floors, dog, et al.- and leave a destructive white film everywhere. {which means that 

What is making me more of a snow-lover, is how excited my son gets when he sees it falling... and how he points out everything that the snow is falling on , {"snow on mommy's car, snow on daddy's car, snow on Ben's house", etc.} I also love how great it is to watch my husband recreate his childhood memories of snow with our son... and how happy it makes both of them. 
{blurry} photo of hubs and son playing in "the cave"
Last night, seeing my husband share the snow cave he built, hearing him tell our son stories of when "Grandpa" used to build caves like that for "Daddy", and listening to our son marvel at the awesomeness of the thing that his Daddy built just for him really made me happy. 

Like, bringing my son to the beach I grew up on, and to Disney World for the first time, happy. 

Maybe after soaking up more of those moments, I won't be so annoyed anymore. :-)
The cave... yep. We got a lot of snow. 
Tips on beating the winter blues.
...A nice warm drink never hurt either. 

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