Thursday, January 30, 2014

{local favorite: halo farm}

Local, cheap and delicious. Halo Farm is a store/dairy/ice cream lover's paradise. I happen to be an ice cream lover.

When my husband was a kid, they apparently had a small petting zoo out front, where kids could see/touch an actual cow, goat, et al. I'm not sure when the real animals were taken away, but now you can see a few life-sized cow statues...

They happened to be up and running when I was there today. It is fun to stop and watch for a little bit... and reminds you of how fresh their milk really is. Smart.

I say I go for the fresh- and cheap- milk, but the real reason is the ice cream. Not-too-rich, creamy, great flavors {including Peanut Paradise, which is LOADED with chocolate covered peanuts}, made with their local milk... and cheap. Always on sale: $3 per pint, buy 2 get 1 free. {Is it sad that I have that memorized?} Every time you go, you can't help but stock up... and then go home, scoop up a bowl {or eat out of the container like my hubs}, so you can go back for more...


Another one of my favorite ice cream places: Nokomis Groves, in Nokomis, FL. There is an ongoing "war" in my family about which is better. Orange/Vanilla or Lime/Chocolate. {I'm the Captain of Team Lime/Chocolate.}

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