Tuesday, January 28, 2014

{couch to 5k and beyond: a race to my 30th birthday}

So, in 346 short days, I will be turning the not-so-big 3-0. I never thought of myself as the type of person who would mind such things. I love my little budding laugh lines, can deal with plucking the occasional gray hair, and generally don't feel old. Sure: I prefer to stay in my pj pants at home, watching Hulu, sipping a glass of wine- or gin and tonic- as compared to going out clubbing- yes, I do think the music is loud... but that doesn't make me old. It's just my personality, right?

It wasn't until the other night at work when a pleasantly confused patient asked me what my goals were that I really started to think about what me being thirty meant. 

There are a lot of things that I thought I would have done by now. I haven't traveled hardly anywhere on my list of places to see; I haven't finished having kids- my goal was 2 by thirty and then done; I haven't obtained my ultimate dream job; bought my perfect house; obtained the wardrobe I dream of; lived the romantic carefree life you see in movies; finished graduate school- something, it turns out I don't really want to do anyway... the list goes on and on. 

The more I think about it, the more I come up with. Granted, some of the items on the list are silly or unrealistic, but some are completely reasonable and attainable. 

I've decided after some sulking- followed by some rational thought, and a self-inflicted kick in the butt- that sure, there are things that I haven't done BUT hopefully, I have time. Life is a work in progress, and I need to stop thinking of it as a "To-Do List"- yes, I am still keeping the list in the back of my mind for future motivation. 

So, rather than freaking out about what I haven't accomplished in my 29 years, I am going to celebrate and enjoy what I have done... and work on doing my best to send my 20's out with a bang... while running 13.1 miles through Disney. 

The Walt Disney World Marathon weekend has always been held on my birthday weekend in January. Traditionally, my mom and I would head to WDW to celebrate my day, and about 15? years ago during our annual getaway I took notice of the fun, and added running in the weekend-long event to my bucket list. There it has sat. Well, it's time to get off the bench. 

Once upon a time, I was athletic, I loved working out and did so regularly... then I got lazy- enjoyed college, got married, pregnant, busy- kicking into gear when I needed to [read, in order to lose almost 60lbs of baby weight] and then letting life get in the way of regular exercise.  

SO, after my aforementioned kick in the butt, pre-planning, and shoe shopping- I've started my adventure. First, I'm working on the well-known Couch to 5K program. Then, I will take on half-marathon training. 

I am going to turn 30, dressed as Minnie Mouse, running through the Magic Kingdom- with my Mickey Mouse costumed hubs running by my side. 

I haven't been this excited about something in a while... it has been almost as fun as planning my wedding was! Thirty is going to be thrilling!

I've already picked out my skirt.
... and my shirt.
Unless I decide to go really big, and wear a tutu.

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